All tickets supplied on this web site remain the property of the vendor, Rhyl Miniature Railway, until such time as they are paid for in full.
The vendor Rhyl Miniature Railway cannot be held responsible for any injury caused by improper use of the products sold on this site.
This site trades in accordance with recent EU directives for online trading as follows: We provide a secure checkout via PayPal for the encrypted delivery of sensitive customer information such as contact and credit card details. All goods come with a 14 day satisfaction guarantee. If for any reason you are not happy with your purchase simply return it to our Address (see contact information) within 14 days of placing your order and we will exchange it for an alternative product or refund your money (P&P costs are non refundable).
Your credit card is charged in the name of our company Rhyl Miniature Railway.
Rhyl Miniature Railway cannot be held responsible for orders being delayed by incorrect information or declined credit cards.
Material on this site may not be copied, reproduced, republished, downloaded, posted, broadcast or transmitted in any way. All material is the copyright of Rhyl Miniature Railway.
Use of this site constitutes your acceptance of these terms and conditions which take effect on the date which you first use the site. These Terms and Conditions do not affect your statutory rights.